Episode 100: Is She Manspreading?


in their one-hundredth episode, honorary Biffs (the West Coast Biffs) Rachel Sievers and Ellie-the-Editor of the Answer to Everything Podcast, join Stefani and Ray to celebrate with a bottle of champagne. Ben is surprised and intrigued by his alter-ego Britney. Competitive tooth-brushing masks a fictional couple’s real issues. Cyber-ghosts haunt an imaginative and creative internet surfer. Join this foursome as they take on the internet with some “unrealistic, psychologically unsound scenarios” and responses generated by ChatGPT. Hate it. Love it. [Maybe] learn something? [Veuve Clicquot]

Show Notes


  • ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/)

    • Question Prompt: “Create a reader question to an advice columnist, the Biffs, with an unrealistic, psychologically unsound scenario about any topic.”

    • Response Prompt: “Respond to this question like an advice columnist with professional credentials.”

  • The Answer to Everything Podcast: Rachel Sievers & Ellie the Editor (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-answer-to-everything/id1591762270)


Episode 101: Gobsmackedly


Episode 99: Best of the Biffs (Part III)