Rachel Sievers (counselor, coach, & retired psycho-therapist) of the Consent to Treat Podcast joins the BiFFs this week to peruse the Washington Post’s Ask Amy Column. A father asks whether he should warn his future son-in-law about the psychological perils that await him, pre-nuptials. A writer asks for guidance for dealing with her psychologist-sister’s niche for crossing boundaries. Stefani get’s real with Rachel in a beautiful, vulnerable conversation. [Tiny [Pink] Bubbles Prosecco d.o.c. Sparkling Rosé]

Show Notes


  • Ask Amy: Father-in-law Wants to Issue Premarital Warning (https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/advice/ask-amy-father-in-law-wants-to-issue-premarital-warning/2019/09/08/472fdf48-ca7e-11e9-a1fe-ca46e8d573c0_story.html)

  • Ask Amy: Psychologist Needs to Heal Herself (https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/ask-amy-psychologist-needs-to-heal-herself/2014/04/29/10899320-cc8d-11e3-a75e-463587891b57_story.html)


Episode 71: Hurricane Richard


Episode 69: Beg Daddy